Privacy Policy

Japan Minpaku Support Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") recognizes the importance of personal information and considers protecting personal information as a social responsibility. The Company will comply with laws and regulations and internal rules regarding personal information and will appropriately acquire, use, and manage personal information handled by the Company.

1. Scope of Application

This privacy policy shows the policy that the Company follows when handling personal information or similar information of customers in various services provided by the Company.

2. Method of Collecting Personal Information

When users register to use our services, we will collect information that can identify individuals such as name, nationality, address, passport number, phone number, and email address. When you send inquiries or comments through forms, we will collect your name, phone number, and email address.

3. Purpose of Using Personal Information

 The Company will use information provided by customers within the scope of the following purposes for providing baggage delivery services and baggage storage services (hereinafter referred to as "the Service") provided by the Company. We will not collect information or use it for any purpose without the consent of the customer.
 1) To provide baggage delivery services utilizing data (including baggage storage services)
 2) For research and development toward providing and expanding the Service
 3) For delivering or sending contact, email magazines, direct mails, notifications, etc. related to the Service
 4) For providing personal information to users of the Service, companies using the Service, affiliated companies, organizations, etc. based on the customer's consent or application
 5) For improving the Service, developing new services, and marketing
 6) For conducting campaigns, surveys, monitoring, interviews, etc.
 7) For confirming and responding to opinions and inquiries related to the Service
 8) For investigating acts prohibited by the terms of use and other purposes
 9) For developing new services and marketing for users of the Service and other purposes

4. Management of Personal Information

 Our company thoroughly manages the information provided by customers as follows:
  1) Ensuring accuracy of information
   We strive to maintain the accuracy and currency of the information provided by customers at all times.
  2) Security measures
   Our company strictly regulates the handling of organizational personal information according to internal regulations, and strictly enforces this handling based on those regulations.
  3) Supervision of employees
   Our company thoroughly enforces strict compliance with the personal information handling regulations based on our company's regulations.
  4) Supervision of contractors and partners
   When entrusting the handling of personal information to external parties, we entrust only those contractors or partners who meet the requirements based on our company's regulations, and ensure appropriate management.
  5) Storage period and disposal
   For information provided by customers, we set a storage period and dispose of it after the end of the storage period. Additionally, if it becomes unnecessary within the storage period, we dispose of it promptly.

5. Disclosure to Third Parties

 1) Our company does not provide personal information provided by customers to third parties. In the event that we decide to provide information to a third party in the future, we will only do so after presenting the information to be provided, the purpose of the disclosure, etc., and obtaining the user's consent.
Additionally, our company may entrust personal information to other businesses within the necessary range for achieving the purpose of use.
Except as provided in Paragraph 2, our company will not provide personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the individual. However, the following cases are not considered third parties for the purpose of this provision when receiving personal information from our company:
  ① When our company entrusts all or part of the handling of personal information within the necessary range for achieving the purpose of use
  ② When personal information is provided due to a merger or other reason for business succession
  ③ When personal information is jointly used with specific individuals, and the individual is notified in advance or placed in a state where they can easily know about the scope of users who will jointly use the information, the purpose of use, and the name or organization responsible for managing the personal information.
 2) We may provide personal information to third parties without obtaining the prior consent of the individual in the following cases:  When required by law   ① When it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent but necessary to protect human life, body, or property
  ② When it is difficult to obtain the individual's consent but necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of children's sound development
  ③ When it is necessary to cooperate with national or local governmental organizations or their commissioned agents to perform duties defined by law and obtaining consent from the individual would impede the execution of such duties
  ④ When we have notified the individual in advance or made it easily accessible to the individual regarding:
   (i) The purpose of providing personal information to a third party
   (ii) The items of personal information to be provided to a third party
   (iii) The method of providing personal information to a third party
   (iv) The individual's right to request us to stop providing their personal information to a third party
  ⑤When we provide personal information to a person who provides space based on this service, and that person conducts identity verification and communication with the individual.

6. Joint Use of Personal Data

 We will conduct joint use of personal data as follows:
  1) Person in charge of managing personal data
   Japan Minpaku Support Co., Ltd.
  2) Purpose of use by joint users
   Same as the "Purpose of Use" described above
  3) Items of use
   Name, nationality, address, passport number, phone number, email address
  4) Range of joint users
   ・Kounoike Airport Service Co., Ltd.
   ・Maruwa Unyu Co., Ltd.
   ・F1 Bin Co., Ltd.
   ・Japan Homesharing Association, a general incorporated association

7. Disclosure, Correction, Suspension of Use, etc. of Personal Information

 If there is a request for disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc. of personal information, we will respond based on our prescribed methods. Please contact the reception desk below for specific methods.
 Mailing Address:
  Nihon Minpaku Support Co., Ltd.
  Management Department, Personal Information Protection Officer
  9F Oimatsu Coop Building, 3-1-25 Nishitenma, Kita-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka 530-0047
  Phone: 06-6630-9905

8. Contact for Consultation or Complaints regarding Handling of Personal Information

 For inquiries regarding our services or the handling of personal information, please contact the following reception desk by phone or email:
  Nihon Minpaku Support Co., Ltd.
  Management Department, Personal Information Protection Officer
  Phone: 06-6630-9905

9. About SSL (Secure Socket Layer)

 Our website is compatible with SSL and encrypts communication between web browsers and web servers. Personal information such as names, addresses, and phone numbers entered by users are automatically encrypted.

10. About cookies

 A cookie is data sent from a web server to a web browser. By referring to cookies, the web server can identify the user's computer and enable efficient use of our website. The files sent as cookies by our website do not contain information that can identify individuals. It is also possible to disable cookies by adjusting your web browser settings.

11. Disclaimer

 Although we strive to ensure the accuracy of information posted on our website, we assume no responsibility for any actions taken by users based on the information provided on our website. We also assume no responsibility for any damages incurred by users or caused by users to third parties resulting from the use of our website.

12. Date of enactment and revision of privacy policy

 Enactment: March 1, 2023.